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Is my data in the Open edX trial private and secure?

We take data privacy and security very seriously so you can rest assured that your data and data of your students is protected.

Because your Open edX trial is running on the IBM Cloud, you can rest easier knowing that your content is protected by IBM’s world-renowned security leadership. Every IBM Cloud service is designed, developed and managed according to IBM’s own strict security policies and implementation guidelines, and provided to you under the binding commitments of the IBM Data Security and Privacy Principles

Your Open edX trial is a dedicated instance. This means that you are not sharing your Open edX databases with anyone. Nobody, including IBM personnel have access to your Open edX instance or data. Your instance is completely standalone and independent, and, since this is a self-managed instance of Open edX, you are in full control. While we provide a secure infrastructure for you to run self-managed instance of Open edX, ultimate responsibility for security rests with you.

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