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Enabling and using the Events Feature

The portal has a built in feature called events. Where managers/staff are able to show students/visitors what is happening in a calendar sort of view (if the event is clicked on from the calendar they are able to see more information). 

1. Enabling Events

a. To enable the feature, login to the admin portal and in the portal menu, click on settings, then go into Header.
b. Scroll to the end of the Header menu block and click on add item.
c. In the label section put in: Events, and in the url section put in https://<site url>/events
d. Finally click update header.

At the end of this step you should have Events as a header in the portal. Because the Events page is pre-created, we dont need to create a new page called Events. Note, we have 2 more header menu options enabled below, Studio and Blog, these were added separately and they are not required on your page. The focus right now is for Events.

Here is how the event page looks initially on the portal:

2. Creating Events

Managers/Staff are able to create new events through the admin portal.

To create an event, there are many settings that need to be filled out. The most interesting are: The Event URL, Visibility and the Content section.

a. The Event URL is used as the link the "Attend Event" button would go to after being pressed (See image below to see what that is), this can be used to link to an event booking site the user can sign up to, to RSVP or such. If the text inside this field does not start with http:// or https:// then when the button is clicked the user will be redirected to a page inside this site.
b. If the Visibility is set to be private, that will only allow registered users to see the events. However, the events page is defaulted to be private. To change that go into the "Pages" setting from the portal menu and "edit" the Events page, then set it to public. If the page is set to public then anyone is able to see the page.
c. The Content section at the bottom allows for the event creator to put in information about the event and/or add in other content being learning paths/learning groups. This will allow students to view learning paths but at the moment doesnt allow students to view the course or its description without being registered.

This is how the event page looks, once the event is created. The events that are upcoming appear at the top and on the day in the calendar. Finally, below is the look of the actual event page.

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