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Enabling and using the Blog posts Feature

The portal has a built in feature called blog posts. Where managers/staff are able to create posts that can update the students, keep a journal, so on so forth.

1. Enabling Blog Posts

a. To enable the feature, login to the admin portal and in the portal menu, click on settings, then go into Header.
b. Scroll to the end of the Header menu block and click on add item.
c. In the label section put in: Blog, and in the url section put in https://<site url>/blog
d. Finally click update header.

At the end of this step you should have Blog as a header in the portal. Because the Blog page is pre-created, we dont need to create a new page called Blog (seen in the pages menu item). Note, we have 2 more header menu options enabled below, Studio and Events, these were added separately and they are not required on your page. The focus right now is for Blog.

Here is how the event page looks initially on the portal:

2. Creating Blog Posts

Managers/Staff are able to create new blog posts through the admin portal.

To create a blog post, there are many settings that need to be filled out: Title, Slug, Thumbnail, Visibility, and Post Content (as seen from above).

Title: the name of the blog post, this will be shown as the descriptor to the post on the site.
Slug: this is what will be put in the url to go to the post's page.
Thumbnail: this is what will be shown in the post as an identifier image.
Visibility: can be set to show all visitors (public) or only registered users (private).
Post content: this is what the post will contain, can add pictures and such through the various buttons.

This is how the blog page looks, once the blog post is created. 

Finally, below is the actual event's page.

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