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Adding Retake Exam Functionality to Courses

Courses can be configured to allow users to retake the exam if they are unsuccessful in their first attempt. This knowledge base article details how to go about this process and enables students to retake the exam on their own.

The following steps will enable this feature:

1. Navigate into the course in the studio side for the course you would like to enable multiple exam attempts.

(For this example we will use Data Science 101 created by BigDataUniversity - DS0101EN - v1)

Once inside the course your screen should look like this: 

2. Navigate to the "Settings" tab on the top navigation bar and click on "Advanced Settings" as shown:

3. Inside of the "Advanced Module List" add in "redoexam" as the following pictures depict and press "Save Changes" from the popup that appears at the bottom of the screen:

4. Once given the "Your policy changes have been saved." message, navigate back to the course content by clicking on the course name at the top of the navigation bar.

5. Scroll down to which module you would like to place the retake exam option and create a new subsection + unit.

6. Inside of the newly created unit, click on the advanced component box and create a press "redoexam" from the options that appear:

Clicking on redoexam:

7. Press on "Edit" with the pencil to edit specific settings including the number of max attempts and the time allowed to take between attempts.

After making changes press save:

9. Finally use the publish button on the right panel to make your changes live and allow students to access this module.

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